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At Wellington Collegiate Academy, we pride ourselves on providing a well-rounded and enriching educational experience that empowers our students to thrive in today's dynamic world. Our carefully crafted curriculum is designed to foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for lifelong learning.



Our Science program is designed to build inquiry and STEM skills. The curriculum includes significant hands-on activities, allowing students to analyze real-world problems, understand the concept of systems, and conduct scientific experiments.

A well-balanced science program, such as ours:

  • Ignites curiosity and a love of learning
  • Sharpens critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Builds a foundation for future knowledge
  • Develops important life skills
  • Empowers informed decision-making skills

In short, science education equips children with the tools to think critically, solve problems, and become well-informed citizens who can make sense of the world around them.


Our small class sizes ensure each student receives the focused support they need to succeed. Strong math skills in children act as a superpower, boosting their future success in countless ways. Strong math skills will help them breeze through STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), as well as build problem-solving muscles, strengthening logical reasoning, and fostering confidence – all essential for thriving in any career path.

Our Math program:

  • Provides a stronger foundation for other subjects
  • Sharpens problem-solving skills
  • Boosts critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Improves financial literacy
  • Builds confidence and perseverance
  • Enhances spatial reasoning skills

In essence, math education is much more than memorizing formulas. It equips children with a powerful toolkit for critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical thinking. These skills empower them to succeed not only in academics but also in their future careers and personal lives.


Our Composition program goes beyond just writing grammatically correct sentences. It provides students with a foundation for strong communication, critical thinking, and creative expression. It provides the tools they need to succeed academically and also become confident and articulate individuals who can  effectively share their ideas with the world.

Our Composition program:

  • Boosts creativity and self-expression
  • Sharpens communication skills
  • Enhances critical thinking skills
  • Improves research and information literacy
  • Builds confidence and self-esteem
  • Develops time management and organizational skills


Our History education program equips children with the critical thinking, empathy, and understanding they need to become well-rounded individuals who can actively participate in shaping a better future.

Our curriculum is designed to help students:

  • Understand the present
  • Develop critical thinking skills
  • Foster empathy and tolerance
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Build civic engagement
  • Spark curiosity and imagination


Our Spanish curriculum focuses on conversation, grammar and vocabulary. Spanish is a valuable language to learn, providing added economic benefits and the ability to communicate and travel widely.

Here are some of the benefits for children to learn Spanish at school:

  • Brainpower boost
  • Future career advantage
  • Cultural appreciation
  • Travel enhancements
  • Lifelong learning
  • Cognitive flexibility

In short, learning Spanish in South Florida equips students with a valuable skillet that benefits them academically, professionally, and personally. It opens doors to new opportunities, fosters cultural understanding, and strengthens their cognitive ability for lifelong learning.


Art class is a playground for kids to explore their ideas and express themselves freely. This imaginative thinking spills over into other areas of their lives, helping them approach problems creatively.

Our Art program focuses on:

  • Boosting creativity and imagination
  • Improving fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Enhancing problem-solving skills
  • Providing emotional expression
  • Fostering social skills and collaboration


Our Art program provides a well-rounded experience that goes way beyond just making pretty pictures. It equips children with valuable skills and a creative lens to approach life's challenges.

Our Physical Education program offers a traditional curriculum designed to introduce students to sports, health, and fitness. Our overall goal is to help students build confidence, respect, discipline, and mental toughness alongside valuable skills through our curriculum. 

A well-balanced PE program, such as ours:

  • Boosts physical health
  • Sharpens cognitive skills
  • Develops essential life skills
  • Builds confidence and self-esteem
  • Promotes healthy habits
  • Offers emotional release


In short, our PE curriculum focuses on the students' physical, mental, and social well-being. It equips students with the tools they need to be healthy, happy, and successful learners.


Does your student need additional help in any of the above subjects? Visit our Family Portal page for additional resources.

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